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A Difficult Start for 2024

Hello Classmates -- we send greetings for 2024, even though it has been a rough start with the passing of several Classmates. 

Let's hope that the bad weather is behind us, and that warm spring days lie ahead.  We do not have any reunion-type activities planned for this year, so it might be worthwhile to gather a few old friends, the Neighborhood Gang, or people you keep meaning to connect with but never quite find the time.

But start saving up your travel money, because we are going all out in 2025.  Next year will feature the Class of 1962 Reunion 62.5.  Sixty-two point five being halfway between the 60th Reunion and the 65th Reunion.  The plan is to hold the Class Reunion on the same weekend as the Reunion of the Decade (1960-1969) Luncheon.   More details will be forthcoming, as well as a 'Save the Date' as soon as the Decade Committee picks a date for the Luncheon.

Remember to keep walking, drink your breakfast smoothie, and get plenty of sleep!  We are here for you if you need any Classmate information or have any questions.

Ciao for now,

Kathie and Bruce


Class Scholarships

Each year, the Napa High School Class of 1962 awards two $300 scholarships to graduating Seniors at Napa High.  Part of the awards criteria is to consider candidates who have a link to our class, or to Napa High in general.

This year's recipients are:

Jacob Brambrink     Jacob's grandparents volunteer at Community Projects, Inc.  And since the Selection Committee of Dorothy (Gould) Arata, Sandy (Panfili) Carden, and Roberta (Del Rosso) Hall are members of CP, it was deemed appropriate to award the scholarship to Jacob.. He is now attending Napa Valley Community College.

Kaylie Martindale     Kaylie is pursuing a Bachelor of Arts degree in pre-audiology at Pacific University in Forest Grove, Oregon.  She is related to Edward Mulsoff, a member of the Class of 1961.

Classmate Bob Zanardi presented the scholarships at the annual awards program.


In Memory of Patti (Ahlswede) Rochon

As suggested by Dorothy (Gould) Arata:

Patti and I were friends since we were four years old.  I darn near lived at the Ahlswede house during our    elementary school years at Shearer.  I noticed in her obituary that there was not an 'In Memory' gift designation listed.  My thought was that she worked for the Napa Valley Unified School District (in our old high school building), and since she was our Head Yell Leader, and a dear friend; anyone that wanted to contribute in Patti's memory could do so by making a donation to our Class of 1962 Scholarship Fund.  And for that matter, give in the memory of any of our class members.

We currently have about $9,000 in our account held by the Napa High Scholarship Group.  If you would like to contribute, make your check payable to the Napa High School Class of 1962, with a note in the Memo Line:  'Scholarship Fund in Memory of Patti Rochon.'  Send to:  142 First Street, Napa CA  94559, and I will forward the funds to the Scholarship Group.  If you have any comments, give me a call at 209-226-9178, or by e-mail at



Napa High Grads Pen Memoirs

Two Napa High School graduates have each written wonderful books:

Don Graham, Class of 1963 (with a little help from Cork Kennedy), has written about his experiences during the Vietnam War.  Titled 'Coming Home Whole,' this is the story of a draftee's journey to and from Vietnam.  It is a terrific read and is available through Amazon Books.

Ray Guadagni, Class of 1964, brings us his memoir of growing up in Napa in the 1950's and early 1960's.  Titled 'The Adventures of the Squeezebox Kid,' this chronicle will be a trip down memory lane for anyone who grew up in Napa.  This book captures every detail and is also available from Amazon Books.

55th Class Reunion

What a day!

On a beautiful day in Napa last Saturday, the Class of 1962 gathered at Compadres Rio Grill for a fantastic afternoon of friendship, fresh food, fun, fabled-stories, and farewell tributes to those who have gone before.  The combination of indoor space and the outdoor Koi deck made for plenty of opportunities to mix and mingle, gather together, and visit to our hearts content.  Four hours were not nearly enough, as many were left wanting more time.

A total of 75 Classmates and 45 Guests were present and accounted for. Several more had planned to come, but were way-layed in some fashion or another.  The Mexican spread, along with the wait staff and bartenders were top-notch.  No one went away hungry or thirsty.  This venue is a 'keeper' and we will recommend it to other classes as well.

To those who were able to come, and to those who were there in spirit, we thank you for making this such a tremendous event.  Plans will soon be underway for an even better gathering in the future.  Stay tuned to this space for details.  And for those who have not yet signed up for the Class Website, please go to and log in.

Gracias Amigos!

Dorothy, Roberta, Sandy, Kathie and Bruce